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What is e-commerce?

The buying and selling of goods over the internet

The correct choice defines e-commerce as the buying and selling of goods over the internet. This encompasses a wide range of online commercial transactions, including retail sales, business-to-business transactions, and even digital services. E-commerce has revolutionized the way consumers and businesses interact, enabling convenient and accessible marketplaces that operate 24/7. The other options do not align with the definition of e-commerce. The regulation of economic practices refers more to governmental oversight and controls rather than the act of buying and selling. Investment in physical retail locations is focused on traditional, brick-and-mortar establishments, which does not capture the essence of online commerce. Lastly, the assessment of consumer behavior pertains to understanding purchasing patterns and motivations, rather than directly engaging in the buying and selling process itself. These concepts are related to the broader field of economics but do not specifically define e-commerce.

The regulation of economic practices

The investment in physical retail locations

The assessment of consumer behavior


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